

spyware corporate scandal

Investigating the Corporate Labyrinth: Unraveling the Predator Spyware Scandal

In the heart of the Predator spyware scandal, Cyprusbased companies like Intellexa and Santinomo face intense scrutiny over suspicious share movements and retroactive transfers. With figures like Felix Bitzios and exintelligence officer Tal Dilian at the center of this intricate web, international authorities and the European Parliament are closely monitoring the unfolding events, shedding light on the murky world of corporate espionage.

cyprus sanctions

Cyprus Under Scrutiny: US Sanctions and the Spyware Controversy

The US sanctions against former Israeli intelligence officer Tal Dilian have put Cyprus in the spotlight, raising questions about illegal surveillance and enforcement of the EU DualUse Regulation. Akel demands transparency and accountability from the government to protect privacy and uphold the rule of law amidst the spyware controversy.

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