
property disputes

property disputes legal proceedings

Legal Complexity Amid Cyprus Property Sales

The legal complexities surrounding property sales in Cyprus, particularly in the northern part of the island, have intensified with recent arrests and investigations involving German nationals like the 49yearold woman and Josef Rikels. These cases highlight the ongoing challenges in resolving property disputes in a region marred by a complex history and international legal implications.

property disputes cyprus

Investigation Urged by PACE Member Over Cyprus Property Sales Arrests

Turkish Cypriot officials at PACE are calling for an investigation into recent Cyprus property sales arrests, raising concerns about the Immovable Property Commission’s role in resolving disputes and safeguarding individuals’ rights in the region. The arrests, which contradict IPC decisions, challenge fair adjudication and stir tensions in the ongoing property disputes between Greek and Turkish Cypriots.

property disputes compensation

New Round of Compensation from the North’s Property Commission

Northern Cyprus has secured £68 million (€79 million) to address Greek Cypriot property claims through the Immovable Property Commission (IPC), resolving about 200 claims by the end of 2020. The IPC, recognized by the European Court of Human Rights, is playing a pivotal role in settling disputes stemming from the division of Cyprus.

property disputes constructive trust

Resolving Cohabitation Disputes in Cyprus

Cohabitation property disputes in Cyprus are resolved through the establishment of a constructive trust, acknowledged by the court. Legal experts, like George Coucounis in Larnaca, play a crucial role in navigating these complex disputes and ensuring fair outcomes for all parties involved.

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