
prison overcrowding

prison overcrowding illegal employment

Overcrowding Crisis in Northern Cyprus’ Prison

Northern Cyprus’ prison system faces an overcrowding crisis due to illegal employment of thirdcountry nationals and lax immigration policies, straining resources and costing taxpayers over €50,000 daily. The surge in inmate numbers exacerbates social issues, underscoring the urgent need for strict border control and employment laws to alleviate the burden on the correctional system.

human rights prison conditions

Lottides Advocates for Prisoners’ Right to Beds

The overcrowded conditions in Wing 1B of the central prison, where inmates are forced to sleep on gymnasium floors, violate international human rights standards. Maria Stylianou Lottides’ advocacy aims to ensure prisoners have their own beds and adequate personal space for dignified treatment, highlighting the urgent need for action from Justice Minister Marios Hartsiotis and prison authorities.

detention facilities overcrowding

Miserable Conditions at Limassol Police Holding Centre

The Limassol Police Holding Centre, as per the Ombudswoman’s report, is plagued by overcrowding, poor living conditions, and inadequate facilities. Detainees, including minors and foreign nationals, are crammed into cells with substandard amenities, necessitating urgent repairs, increased staffing, and enhanced treatment for humane living conditions.

prison overcrowding justice reform

New Prison Building to Address Overcrowding by 2026

The Justice Ministry plans to build a new central prison by 2026 to alleviate overcrowding, refurbishing current facilities and reducing the prison population by 30% within the year. The new prison will increase capacity by 200 inmates, forming part of a larger justice reform vision.

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