
peace process

european parliament cyprus reunification

European Parliament’s Commitment to Cyprus Reunification

The European Parliament is firmly committed to aiding Cyprus reunification, aligning with UN resolutions and advocating for unity, as President Roberta Metsola emphasizes the EU’s values of freedom, peace, and justice. Metsola’s reelection marks a renewed promise of involvement, with collaboration between the Parliament and Cyprus’s President Nikos Christodoulides to achieve a stable and united Cyprus, bringing hope for a future of peace and unity in Europe.

peace process diplomatic dynamics

UN Envoy Maria Angela Holguin Prepares to Present Cyprus Report

United Nations envoy Maria Angela Holguin is set to present a crucial report on Cyprus, assessing the potential for restarting negotiations between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders to resolve the island’s division. This momentous event marks a pivotal juncture in Holguin’s career and the ongoing peace process in Cyprus, with SecretaryGeneral Antonio Guterres expected to act on the report’s findings to advance the search for a lasting solution.

peace process cyprus

UN Report and Cyprus: A Reality Check on the Peace Process

The UN report on Cyprus highlights shared responsibilities in the peace process, urging both Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders to prioritize compromise and build trust through meaningful dialogue. By addressing mutual concerns and refraining from unilateral actions, the leaders have the opportunity to rekindle stalled talks and move towards a resolution for the longstanding conflict.

peace process un approach

Enhancing the Peace Process in Cyprus: New Strategies and Perspectives

In her innovative approach, UN personal envoy Maria Angela Holguin engages with a wide range of stakeholders in Cyprus, from political leaders to civil society, to break the deadlock and pave the way for sustainable peace. By prioritizing grassroots insights and pressuring decisionmakers for bold action, Holguin aims to catalyze a transformative shift in the peace process, offering a glimmer of hope for a resolution in the longstanding conflict.

diplomacy united nations

New Christodoulides Holguin Meeting Scheduled

President Nikos Christodoulides and UN Envoy Maria Angela Holguin are set to meet on March 11 to reignite peace talks for Cyprus, following a pause in Crans Montana. The goal is to foster constructive dialogue and work towards a stable and peaceful resolution for the island.

peace process cyprus dialogue forum

Bridging Divides: Cypriot Political Parties Look to Northern Ireland for Peace Inspiration

Cypriot political parties recently visited Northern Ireland to learn from its successful peace process, seeking insights from experienced peacemakers to apply to Cyprus’s own efforts towards peace and unity. Representatives from both sides of the Cyprus divide came together to understand the intricacies of the Northern Ireland peace process, with Irish diplomat Tim O’Connor and Northern Ireland Assembly Speaker Alex Maskey sharing valuable perspectives on resolving conflicts and implementing peace agreements.

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