
national guard

national guard national security

National Guard’s Evolution into a Modern Force

The National Guard has transformed into a modern, agile force ensuring national stability and security, evolving to meet contemporary challenges through training, technology, and a semiprofessional structure. Defense Minister Vasilis Palmas envisions a responsive and adaptable force, honoring tradition while preparing for future threats, as new conscripts pledge allegiance to safeguard their nation’s freedom and safety.

defence national guard

Defence Minister Vows to Strengthen Cyprus’ Deterrence Capability

Defence Minister Vasilis Palmas is determined to fortify Cyprus’ national guard through strategic partnerships, advanced technologies, and sustainable practices, ensuring a formidable deterrence capability. Palmas emphasized the importance of human capital in driving innovation within the armed forces and highlighted the historical resilience of the guard in the face of adversity, pledging to uphold its role as a pillar of security in the region.

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