
misconceptions about e-cigarettes

duty-free cigarettes

Four Arrests for Duty-Free Cigarettes

Four British holidaymakers, aged between 52 and 59, were arrested at Paphos Airport for carrying 280 boxes of dutyfree cigarettes, far exceeding the taxfree allowance. The group had just arrived from the UK, and authorities promptly took action upon discovering the excessive amount of cigarettes in their possession.

youth substance use alcohol consumption

Alarming Trends in Youth Substance Use in Cyprus

Recent findings from the HBSC survey reveal alarming trends in youth substance use in Cyprus, with 50% of schoolaged children having tried alcohol at least once. Firstyear lyceum students report a 73% rate of alcohol experimentation, 22% in primary schools, and 44% in gymnasiums. Additionally, 7% of 15yearolds have tried cannabis. Efforts from the Education Ministry are underway to combat this issue.

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