
media freedom

press freedom media freedom

Delay in Press Freedom Case: Ali Kismir’s Hearing Deferred

Ali Kismir’s hearing, critical of authorities in Northern Cyprus, has been postponed to September 27, with charges that could result in a decade in prison for drawing a controversial comparison involving security forces. The delay raises concerns about press freedom and free speech in the region as Kismir’s trial faces repeated adjournments.

media freedom prison conditions

Human Rights Concerns in Northern Cyprus: A Closer Look at the US Report

In Northern Cyprus, the 2023 US report highlights grave human rights concerns, including restricted media freedom, poor prison conditions, corruption, and discrimination against refugees, minorities, and LGBTQI+ individuals. The report sheds light on the urgent need for accountability and reform within the local authorities to address these pressing issues and uphold basic human rights in the region.

media freedom privacy

Stance Against EU Press Freedom Regulation

The Committee for Media Ethics opposes the proposed EU press freedom regulation, particularly Article 4(2), which could lead to journalist surveillance and infringe upon media freedom and privacy. They advocate for amendments to protect journalistic independence and prevent regulatory overreach that threatens democratic society principles. The CME is mobilizing a public campaign to educate and influence decisionmaking on the issue, highlighting the importance of upholding media freedom and privacy for the benefit of an informed citizenry.

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