
legislative challenges

real estate legislative challenges

Borrowers Association Engaging with Political Parties Over Trapped Buyers

The Cyprus Borrowers Association (Syprodat) is actively engaging with political parties to propose a legislative remedy for trapped property buyers who have paid for properties but haven’t received title deeds, aiming to protect them from foreclosures and safeguard their legal rights. Syprodat’s proactive stance underscores the urgency of the situation, emphasizing the need for immediate action to address the plight of these buyers and ensure their rights are protected.

transparency legislative challenges

Stalled Progress on Asset Transparency Reveals Legislative Challenges

Efforts to enforce asset transparency for politically exposed persons face legislative challenges, including defining the scope of who should disclose assets and the details required. The debate revolves around consensus on criteria for mandatory capital statements and disagreements over public office holders’ disclosures and timelines. Transparency advocates argue for comprehensive declarations to ensure accountability.

migration deputy ministry

Navigating the Complex Landscape of a New Deputy Ministry for Migration

The proposal to create a new Deputy Ministry for Migration in Cyprus is facing a multitude of challenges, including legal issues, staffing concerns, and opposition from various groups. The Institute of Demographic and Immigration Policy has recommended amendments to the bill, while the public servants’ union Pasydy and social welfare services have raised concerns about transferring employees. Additionally, community unrest has sparked questions about the location of migrant teen protection centres. Despite these obstacles, the journey towards establishing a more comprehensive migration policy framework continues.

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