
legal reforms

legal reform independence

Government Proposes Significant Changes to Oversight Bodies

The government is proposing significant changes to the Legal Service and Audit Office, aiming to separate their roles and enhance effectiveness, in line with EU recommendations for the rule of law. However, the Audit Office has raised concerns that the reforms may compromise its independence as they were not discussed with international bodies, marking the most significant legal amendment in over 60 years.

child sexual abuse legal reform

Stronger Measures Advocated for Child Sex Abuse Crimes

Michalis Yiakoumi, a parliament member from Dipa, is advocating for life sentences without parole and chemical castration for those convicted of raping children to combat child sexual abuse more effectively and protect the most vulnerable in society. These proposed legislative changes aim to significantly enhance child protection and send a clear message of zero tolerance towards offenders.

press freedom legal reforms

Demands for Legal Reforms in Light of Journalist’s Postponed Trial

The repeated delay of journalist Ali Kismir’s trial in Cyprus for allegedly insulting the Turkish Cypriot armed forces has ignited demands for legal reforms to safeguard press freedom and revise outdated military crimes laws. The postponement has sparked a debate on the limits of free speech, the military’s role in civil discourse, and the influence on media and individual expression, prompting a call to action for legislative changes and protection of democratic values.

legal reforms multi-owner buildings

Advocating for Legal Reforms in Multi-Owner Buildings

Louis Constantinou is advocating for legal reforms in multiowner buildings, including due diligence checks to clear joint debts, mandatory rectification of unauthorized property alterations, certification to confirm units are free of illegal alterations and outstanding debts, and targeted legal provisions to prevent the illegal seizure of common and public areas. Constantinou’s proposals aim to address complex issues related to managing common expenses, eradicate illegal property alterations, ensure verification through certification, and promote a harmonious and legally compliant living environment for all residents.

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