

electronic gear computer repair services

Adinç Electronics: Your One-Stop Shop for Computer Repair and Electronic Gear in Kyrenia

Adinç Electronics in Kyrenia is your goto shop for computer repair and electronic gear sales. They offer a broad selection of electronic gear, including internet modems, batteries, memory cards, cameras, and computer accessories. Their expert technicians provide topnotch computer repair services and can order original components from the United States if needed. Conveniently located in Kyrenia and with flexible opening hours, Adinç Electronics is the perfect onestopshop for all your electronic needs.

ambiance restaurant kyrenia

Ambiance Restaurant: A Unique Dining Experience in Kyrenia

Looking for a unique dining experience in Kyrenia, Cyprus? Look no further than Ambiance Restaurant! With a wooden deck above turquoise waters, delicious menu options for fish, meat, and vegetarian lovers, and opportunities for sunbathing, swimming, and cabana rentals during the day, Ambiance is a popular destination in the picturesque Karaoğlanoğlu cove. Make sure to reserve a table in advance and enjoy the beautiful scenery and luxury experience at Ambiance.

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