
investigative journalism

journalism censorship

Heavily Censored and Wary: Reporting During the Coup

Journalists in Cyprus during the 1974 coup faced dangerous conditions, rigorous censorship, and the risk of conscription. Reporting became a perilous task as they navigated through controlled tours, had their content scrutinized by government censors, and dealt with understaffed newsrooms. Despite these obstacles, some persisted in delivering news, crucial to maintaining a free press in tumultuous times.

freedom of speech journalism

Balancing Free Speech and Online Conduct: The Dilemma of Legal Amendments

The proposed legal amendment aims to criminalize online behaviors like threats and misinformation, raising concerns about potential government overreach and intimidation of journalists while attempting to protect individuals, especially the youth, from online harassment and dangers of misinformation. This controversial proposal challenges democratic values and journalistic integrity, highlighting the intricate balance between preventing online misconduct and upholding civil liberties, sparking a heated debate on the boundaries of free speech and proper online conduct.

freedom of speech fake news

Freedom of Speech Objection to Fake News Criminalization Push

The proposed fake news criminalization amendment has sparked concerns among stakeholders like the Union of Cyprus Journalists, warning of potential threats to free speech and journalistic freedom. If passed, the amendment could lead to press violations, increased selfcensorship, and compromise democratic processes, according to the Association of Newspapers and Periodicals Publishers.

legal corruption

Legal Challenge in Auditor-General’s Dismissal Case

In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Constitutional Court accepted auditorgeneral Odysseas Michaelides’ 171page witness statement as evidence, while redacting names, setting a precedent for the treatment of evidence linked to active investigations. The decision could have farreaching implications on the integrity of legal proceedings involving highranking officials and sensitive investigations in Cyprus, as journalists like Andria Kades continue to shine a light on complex legal battles.

politics journalism

Hezbollah’s Verbal Assault on Cyprus Sparks Confusion

Hezbollah’s recent verbal assault on Cyprus has left many puzzled, especially as Cyprus is known for its humanitarian efforts, particularly in aiding Gaza. The U.S. State Department expressed confusion over this attack, highlighting the incongruity between Hezbollah’s rhetoric and Cyprus’s commendable international actions.

environmental advocacy journalism

Remembering Martin Hellicar: A Champion for Nature and Words

Martin Hellicar’s legacy lives on through his unwavering dedication to environmental conservation as Director of BirdLife Cyprus and a respected environmental journalist. His impact is felt in the thriving bird populations and preserved ecosystems of Cyprus, a testament to his lifelong commitment to protecting nature.

local governance european parliament

2024 Local and European Elections: A New Era of Governance

The 2024 local and European elections are a transformative moment, introducing a reformed local governance system and electing officials to represent the island in the European Parliament. These elections empower local communities, advance decentralization, and shape the legislative landscape of the EU, reflecting the aspirations and challenges of the community.

press freedom media freedom

Delay in Press Freedom Case: Ali Kismir’s Hearing Deferred

Ali Kismir’s hearing, critical of authorities in Northern Cyprus, has been postponed to September 27, with charges that could result in a decade in prison for drawing a controversial comparison involving security forces. The delay raises concerns about press freedom and free speech in the region as Kismir’s trial faces repeated adjournments.

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