
hospitality industry

culinary traditions wine promotion

Koumis turns attention to food and drink

Deputy Minister Kostas Koumis is focused on elevating Cyprus’s culinary and wine heritage by collaborating with industry leaders, enhancing training programs, and implementing robust promotional strategies such as expanding the ‘Cyprus Breakfast’ initiative and enriching the ‘Wine Routes’ to attract more visitors and boost global recognition. With meetings involving key associations like the Cyprus Chefs and Winegrowers, Koumis aims to showcase Cypriot cuisine and wines on an international stage, emphasizing the crucial significance of these sectors as a priority pillar of the deputy ministry.

hospitality industry police raid

Hoteliers Outraged Over Police Raid Which ‘Caused Panic’

Hoteliers in Cyprus, represented by the Cyprus Hotels’ Association (Pasyxe), are outraged over a recent police raid that caused panic among guests and staff. The heavyhanded approach to targeting illegal workers disrupted the tranquil hospitality environment, prompting concerns about the nation’s reputation as a welcoming tourist destination.

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