
historic reconciliation

diplomacy reconciliation

Holguin’s Diplomatic Mission in Cyprus

María Ángela Holguín’s diplomatic mission to Cyprus aims to facilitate dialogue and reconciliation between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities, with highlevel talks planned with key political figures, including the newly elected President and Turkish Cypriot leader, to support a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue. Holguín’s visit, set for May 7 to 14, signals a significant step in ongoing efforts to foster understanding and cooperation on the island, with broader engagements scheduled to address the complex dynamics of the Cyprus problem and garner international support, including from influential players like Russia.

conflict reconciliation

Cyprus Untold: A Home in the Buffer Zone

“Cyprus Untold” is a podcast by Samuel LewisBlanc, a former UN officer, sharing stories from his time in the Buffer Zone, offering a unique perspective on Cyprus’ quest for peace and reconciliation. Through personal narratives and historical insights, the podcast sheds light on the challenges faced in a divided land, highlighting the complexities of the Cyprus conflict and the potential for unity.

peacekeeping resolution

Urgent call to solve Cyprus problem on Unficyp’s 60-year anniversary

As Unficyp commemorates 60 years on Cyprus soil, the urgent call to resolve the island’s longstanding divide echoes through the halls of Nicosia’s old town hall. Chief Colin Stewart urges swift action, emphasizing that peacekeeping is a temporary fix, not a permanent solution, underscoring the need for all stakeholders to come together and forge a lasting resolution.

diplomacy reconciliation

UN Envoy’s Diplomatic Endeavors in Cyprus

UN envoy Maria Angela Holguin is in Cyprus to promote progress and understanding through inclusive dialogues with political leaders and societal figures. Her efforts aim to contribute to a lasting resolution and peacebuilding on the island, following a history of division and ongoing international support for stability.

greece turkey

Greece and Turkey Embark on a New Peaceful Chapter

In 2023, Greece and Turkey embarked on a new peaceful chapter, setting aside their historic tensions, notably over Cyprus. Turkish President Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis met in Athens to agree on maintaining peace, marking a hopeful era for regional stability.

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