
healthcare spending

healthcare spending health workforce

Cyprus Health Expenditure Trails Behind EU Average

Cyprus’s healthcare spending falls short of the EU average, with the country investing 9.4 percent of its GDP on healthcare, or €2,686 per person, compared to the EU average of 11.0 percent or €4,028 per capita. The allocation of resources in areas like prevention and longterm care remains significantly lower than average, indicating potential gaps in the healthcare system.

healthcare spending gdp

Stability in Healthcare Spending: Cyprus Maintains 6% of GDP

Cyprus consistently allocates 6% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to healthcare spending, prioritizing the wellbeing of its citizens despite the European Union average dipping to 8.1%. This stable financial commitment reflects the nation’s strategic choice to maintain accessible and highquality healthcare services as a pillar of societal stability and prosperity.

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