
health safety

weather heatwave

Escalating Heatwave Triggers Yellow Weather Alert

In anticipation of scorching temperatures, a yellow weather warning has been issued for a sizzling Wednesday, emphasizing the need to stay hydrated, wear light clothing, and monitor vulnerable populations. As the heatwave continues throughout the week, residents are advised to take precautions to mitigate the effects of the high temperatures, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of both people and the environment.

weather heat advisory

Renewed Yellow Weather Warning as Temps Soar

A yellow weather warning has been issued due to extreme heat in the region, with temperatures expected to soar to 42C or 43C inland and 37C along the southern and eastern coasts. Caution is advised, especially during peak hours of 11.30am to 4.30pm, with residents urged to stay hydrated, wear light clothing, and take care of vulnerable individuals and pets.

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