
health insurance

banking insurance

Hellenic Bank Expands with CNP Cyprus Insurance Acquisition

Hellenic Bank’s acquisition of CNP Cyprus Insurance is a strategic move to diversify services and expand market presence, positioning the bank to hold around 30% of the life insurance and 23% of the general insurance market in Cyprus postacquisition. This significant development is set to enhance the bank’s offerings and customer service capabilities in the financial and insurance sectors on the island, marking a transformative leap for Hellenic Bank.

insurance road tax

North to make young people pay more to drive

In an effort to reduce road traffic incidents, young drivers in the north will soon face higher costs for car insurance and road tax. Authorities seek to promote responsibility and deter reckless driving by imposing increased financial and legal penalties for those under 25 or 30.

health insurance lifestyle diseases

Health Insurance Plans Tailored for Modern Living

Health insurance plans have evolved to cater to the challenges of modern living, offering features like NoClaim Bonuses and wellness benefits. They now cover lifestyle diseases, provide genderspecific coverage, and incentivize preventative care to promote healthy living in today’s fastpaced world.

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