
green initiatives

sustainability green initiatives

Cyta’s Commitment to Sustainability: A Decade of Green Achievement

Cyta’s commitment to sustainability shines through its eightyear Zero Waste to Landfill certification, recycling or reusing 98.46% of waste in 2023. Recognized for its ecofriendly practices with the Green Offices certification for 50 buildings, Cyta stands as a leader in environmental responsibility, aligning with the European Green Agreement’s goals.

sustainability climate neutrality

Limassol Awarded by EU for Climate Goals

Limassol has been honored with the EU Mission Label for its ambitious climate goals, aiming for neutrality by 2030. This recognition not only showcases Limassol’s dedication to sustainability but also grants easier access to funding, positioning the city as a model for green initiatives and inspiring others towards a greener future.

economic growth green initiatives

Cyprus Business Now: An Economic Overview

Cyprus is seeing steady economic growth despite a dip in GDP to 2.4% in 2023, with measures like green taxation and regulatory fines boosting its resilience. The island nation’s focus on technology innovation and environmental conservation underscores its commitment to sustainable development amidst global economic shifts.

environmental taxation rising fuel costs

Green taxes ‘will squeeze’ consumers

Green taxes in Cyprus, like the fivecent “green tax” on fuel, are expected to push fuel prices up by 1011 cents, potentially reaching 16 cents per litre with additional VAT and the end of state subsidies. This financial burden may strain households and businesses, highlighting the delicate balance between sustainability and economic stability.

shipping registry maritime excellence

Cyprus Shipping Registry Commemorated in Athens

The Cyprus Shipping Registry’s 60th anniversary event in Athens celebrated its growth and Greek connections, reinforcing its status as a preferred flag for Greek shipowners. The event honored industry figures, outlined future visions of digitalization and green initiatives, and highlighted the Registry’s commitment to maritime excellence.

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