
government policies

government policies economic management

Government policies benefit the few and neglect the many

Les Manison, a former senior economist at the International Monetary Fund, criticizes current government policies for favoring the elite while neglecting the welfare of the masses, resulting in widening inequalities and environmental degradation. Manison calls for a realignment of expenditures, increased investment in infrastructure, and optimization of social benefits to address these challenges and build a more equitable and sustainable economic future.

labour market labour shortages

Labour Market Disconnect: A Critical Analysis

The labour market disconnect in Cyprus postCOVID19 highlights the gap between business needs and government policies. Due to EU workers leaving during the pandemic and not returning, Cyprus faces labour shortages. Government efforts to allow hiring from third countries have been slow, creating challenges, especially in tourism and hospitality industries, which have seen increased demand. A more responsive policy is needed to align with business requirements and economic growth.

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