
fiscal responsibility

fiscal responsibility strategic prioritization

Govt to maximise efficiency of public spending

In an ambitious move, President Nikos Christodoulides is pushing for fiscal responsibility and strategic prioritization in the government’s quest to maximize the efficiency of public spending. By balancing the 2025 state budget, scrutinizing ministry budgets, and emphasizing developmental and social programs, the administration aims to pave the way for economic growth, digital transformation, and a greener future.

government policy subsidies

Our View: The Illusion of Fiscal Prudence in Government Policy

The illusion of fiscal prudence in government policy is when broad financial measures, like blanket subsidies, are presented as targeted and responsible, yet lack focus and align more with populism, posing a threat to longterm economic stability. Despite recommendations against such widespread support, the persistence of these policies, costing over €50m for the year, raises concerns over the government’s pursuit of popularity over policy and the need for genuine fiscal responsibility.

politics local government reform

Tales from the Coffeeshop: The Cost of ‘Cost-Cutting’

Local government reform in Cyprus, aimed at costcutting, led to increased expenses with the creation of new positions like deputy mayors and district governors. This raised concerns about fiscal responsibility, highlighting a disconnect between public service ideals and personal gain in the political landscape.

government pension reform

Addressing the Multiple Pensions Issue in Government

The government is determined to reform the pension system for officials, putting an end to the issue of individuals receiving multiple pensions. These reforms are aimed at achieving fiscal responsibility and social justice by dismantling the practice of excessive pension accumulation among government officials.

pension reform fiscal responsibility

Plans Afoot to Abolish Multiple Pensions

The government is planning to abolish multiple pensions for government officials, opting for a single lumpsum payment based on years of service. This reform aims to increase fairness, fiscal responsibility, and legal compliance, with the eligibility age set to rise from 60 to 65.

fuel prices leadership

Daily News Briefing

President Nikos Christodoulides raised concerns about rising motor fuel prices, which could lead to higher costs for goods and services due to increased transportation expenses, emphasizing the need for sustainable energy solutions. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen praised President Christodoulides for his leadership in navigating economic challenges and implementing proactive measures to support the country’s economy.

government payroll public sector

Concerns Over Expansion of Government Payroll

Lawmakers are grappling with a proposal to add 397 new public sector positions, sparking concerns about the growing government payroll and fiscal prudence. The timing and financial impact of these expansions on the state budget are being questioned, with opposition parties expressing reluctance to support the continuous hiring requests.

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