
financial incentives

healthcare maternity

Incentives to Encourage Natural Births

Cyprus is combatting high Csection rates by offering financial incentives to doctors who promote natural births, with potential pay increases of up to 15% for keeping Csection rates low and penalties up to 35% for exceeding limits. This initiative aims to ensure that Csections are only performed when medically necessary, addressing concerns about overreliance on surgical interventions in childbirth.

healthcare crisis strike action

Impending Healthcare Crisis: Doctors Set for Strike Action

Doctors in public hospitals are preparing for a 48hour strike due to disputes over incentive payments and unfair compensation for overtime work. The impending strike threatens to disrupt medical services nationwide, with the government urging for constructive dialogue to prevent a potential healthcare crisis.

cybersecurity small and medium enterprises (smes)

Cyprus Invests in Cybersecurity for Small and Medium Enterprises

Cyprus has launched a €1 million cybersecurity support scheme for SMEs, offering grants ranging from €20,000 to €60,000 to enhance their digital defenses and comply with cybersecurity standards. The initiative aims to protect the nation’s economic pillars, boost market competitiveness, and ensure consumer trust in the digital age.

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