
energy integration

energy integration great sea interconnection

The Great Sea Interconnection: A Step Towards Energy Integration in the EU

The Great Sea Interconnection (GSI) is a vital project that aims to link the electric grids of Greece, Cyprus, and Israel to achieve a 15% energy interconnection in the EU by 2030, enhancing energy security and sustainability. With €125 million in funding from Cyprus’s Emissions Trading System and support from the EU, this ambitious initiative represents a significant leap toward greater energy collaboration in the region.

energy integration electricity grids

Europe’s Energy Integration: The Great Sea Interconnector

The Great Sea Interconnector (GSI) is a key energy project connecting Cyprus and Crete, ending Cyprus’s electricity isolation. It plays a crucial role in balancing supply and demand, stabilizing electricity prices, and ensuring Europe reaches its 45% renewable energy target by 2030, enhancing energy security and economic efficiency.

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