
economic shifts

summer treats price hike

Ice Cream Price Hike Hits Summer Treats

Ice cream prices have surged by 8.07% this summer due to increased demand and production costs, impacting summer budgets. Alongside ice cream, package holidays and hotel stays have also seen significant price hikes, adding to the financial strain of seasonal activities.

economic shifts deposits

Economic Shifts: Cyprus Sees Dip in Deposits and Loans

The recent statistics published by the Central Bank of Cyprus reveal a decline in both deposits and loans in the country. Total deposits decreased by €61.0 million, with a slowdown in the annual growth rate to 0.7%, while loans saw a significant net decrease of €212.9 million, bringing the loan growth to 0.3% and the outstanding loan amount to €24.7 billion. These findings suggest a shift in the financial behaviors of individuals and institutions in Cyprus.

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