
economic cooperation

strategic alliance economic cooperation

Strategic Alliance: Cyprus Embraces Western Partnership

Cyprus’ strategic alliance with the United States signifies a pivotal shift towards Western partnerships, enhancing economic ties and global security commitments. President Nikos Christodoulides’ actions highlight a definitive pivot towards the West, reinforcing Cyprus’s geopolitical stance and future prospects.

economic cooperation tax governance

Strengthening Economic Ties: Cyprus and Kyrgyzstan’s New Agreement

Cyprus and Kyrgyzstan have agreed on a treaty to eliminate double taxation and prevent tax evasion, aiming to enhance bilateral economic cooperation and stimulate trade and investment between the two nations. This milestone agreement replaces Cyprus’s previous treaty with the USSR, showcasing both countries’ commitment to modern fiscal strategies and global tax governance standards.

cyprus-egypt relations economic cooperation

Strengthening Ties: Cyprus and Egypt’s Strategic Partnership

Cyprus and Egypt are strengthening their strategic partnership through economic agreements, energy cooperation, and trilateral relations with Greece to promote regional stability. President Christodoulides reaffirmed Cyprus’ support for this partnership, emphasizing the importance of closer ties in light of shifting international dynamics. Through collaborations in human resources, energy projects, and regional integration, both nations aim to address migration challenges and work towards a future of mutual growth and prosperity.

diplomacy cultural exchange

Estonian President’s Diplomatic Visit to Cyprus

President Alar Karis of Estonia is on a diplomatic visit to Cyprus from March 2628. He will meet with President Nikos Christodoulides to discuss trade, technology, economic synergy, and cultural exchanges, with a focus on strengthening bilateral relations within the framework of European Union membership.

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