
disability benefits

disability employment

Addressing the Disability Employment Gap in Cyprus

In Cyprus, Andreas Vassiliou and Symeon Stylianou developed AbleBook, a free app helping individuals with disabilities navigate public spaces and services, promoting empowerment and inclusion. With over 3,000 active users, AbleBook is making a significant impact in addressing the disability employment gap and enhancing accessibility in the community.

disability benefits legislative reform

Overhauling the Benefits System for Disabled Individuals

The government in Cyprus plans to separate disabled benefits from the Guaranteed Minimum Income program in order to better address the unique needs of disabled individuals, increase support funds by €60 million, and enhance social inclusion. Deputy Welfare Minister Marilena Evangelou is leading the charge by engaging stakeholders in drafting targeted legislation for a more inclusive benefits policy, signaling a significant commitment to overhauling the current system.

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