
cyprus’ remembrance day

memorial tragedy

Honoring the Lost: Memorial for Athalassa Hospital Tragedy

The Athalassa Hospital Tragedy was a devastating event in 1974 when Turkish jets bombed the hospital, claiming 33 lives including patients, a nurse, and a soldier. The community honors the victims through a memorial service, a monument inscribed with their names, and the planting of cypress trees as a living tribute.

history remembrance

Reflecting on the Past: The 50th Anniversary of Cyprus’ Dark Days

Reflecting on the 50th Anniversary of Cyprus’ Dark Days, the nation pays tribute to the events of the 1974 coup and invasion that divided the island, fostering unity and remembrance for a peaceful future. Amidst political debates and national introspection, the anniversary serves as a poignant reminder of the scars of history and the resilience of a people striving for closure and unity.

history legacy

Reflecting on History: The 1974 Coup and Its Legacy

The 1974 coup in Cyprus, orchestrated by the Athens Junta and Eoka B, still echoes in the nation’s memory 50 years later. President Nikos Christodoulides calls for truth and accountability, urging the island towards unity and reconciliation in the face of lingering historical wounds.

turkey coup attempt

Commemorating the Anniversary of the Turkey Coup Attempt

Commemorating the anniversary of the 2016 Turkey coup attempt on July 15th reflects on the significant loss of life and political upheaval that ensued. Events honor those who resisted the coup and remember the civilians and soldiers who tragically lost their lives, highlighting the enduring impact on Turkey’s political landscape and civil liberties.

history remembrance

Commemorating a Historic Struggle: Church of Cyprus Announces Events for Invasion Anniversary

The Church of Cyprus is commemorating the 50year anniversary of the Turkish invasion with a series of reflective events, including a special liturgy at the Kyrenia bishopric emphasizing the nation’s resistance and hope for justice and reunification. The Archbishop’s message highlights the Church’s unwavering stance against enduring consequences of the invasion, advocating for human rights and territorial integrity while uniting individuals in a common cause of seeking resolution and reconciliation.

history unity

Honoring the Fallen: Cyprus’ Tribute to Missing Greek Nationals

Cyprus pays tribute to missing Greek nationals through a repatriation process, ensuring fallen individuals are returned to their families. A ceremony at the Makedonitissa tomb in Nicosia marks a solemn moment of remembrance and respect for those who sacrificed their lives in times of conflict, highlighting the deep historical ties and shared heritage between Cyprus and Greece.

saint irene police force

Ceremony for the Patron Saint of the Cyprus Police, Saint Irene

May 5th is a day of celebration and remembrance for the Cyprus Police, honoring their patron saint, Saint Irene. It symbolizes the core values of faith, bravery, and courage, essential for their mission of ensuring security and protecting citizens. The day also pays tribute to fallen and missing officers who served during historical conflicts and in times of peace.

history remembrance

Commemorating the Tragedy: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day in Nicosia

This is a comprehensive summary of the significance of Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day in Nicosia, highlighting the solemn march, political voices, global recognition efforts, and the call for education and prevention. The article captures the essence of the day, emphasizing the importance of preserving historical memory, demanding justice, and working towards a future where such atrocities are prevented.

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