
cross-border cooperation

money laundering cross-border cooperation

Money-laundering Suspicions after Theft

A Ukrainian woman’s theft report of €420,000 in Cyprus has raised suspicions of moneylaundering, with authorities examining her involvement in bringing over €6 million illegally. The case has led to connections with previous incidents, including undeclared cash by a Ukrainian traveler and a Russian national’s death in Kyrenia, prompting investigations by Cyprus’ antimoney laundering unit and potential involvement of Europol and Interpol.

murder cross-border cooperation

Tatar Requests Help from Greek Cypriots in Finding Woman’s Killers

Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar urgently appeals to Greek Cypriot authorities for help in capturing the suspects of Ayca Alav’s horrific murder in northern Nicosia. Alav was found tied and gagged, and died from neck compression and asphyxia. The suspected killers are believed to have fled to the south, highlighting the need for crossborder cooperation in the pursuit of justice.

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