
commemorating the fallen heroes

military commemoration

Honoring the Valiant: Commemoration of 1974 Fallen Soldiers

Cyprus commemorates its fallen heroes from the 1974 Turkish invasion through solemn ceremonies and the unveiling of memorials. Soldiers like Christos Fotis, Tasos Markos, and Andreas Arrestis are honored with posthumous military honors, ensuring their legacies of courage and sacrifice are immortalized in the nation’s history.

military service memorial service

Kouklia Helicopter Crash Victims Commemorated

The tragic Kouklia helicopter crash of July 10, 2002, claimed the lives of five military personnel, including National Guard chief Evangelos Florakis. Each year, a solemn memorial service at St Luke the Apostle church in Kouklia serves as a poignant reminder of their sacrifice and the nation’s commitment to honoring their legacy.

reflecting on the past cyprus' remembrance day

Reflecting on the Past: Cyprus’ Remembrance Day

Cyprus’ Remembrance Day is a day of solemn reflection to honor the Cypriot heroes who made ultimate sacrifices during the world wars. It highlights the importance of learning from history’s conflicts to foster peace and prevent repetition of such horrors. The day also celebrates the island’s unity and diverse contributions to wartime efforts.

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