
cognitive training

tourism foreign workers

Cyprus Tourism Relies Heavily on Foreign Workers

Cyprus’s tourism industry heavily relies on foreign workers due to rapid growth and labor shortages. Deputy Minister Kostas Koumis emphasizes the importance of training and collaboration to sustain the sector’s expansion and maintain competitiveness as a tourist destination.

healthcare nursing

Gesy ‘requires fruitful contribution’ of all involved

In Gesy, Cyprus’s healthcare system, nurses and midwives play a vital role in improving care quality and patient outcomes. Minister Michael Damianos highlighted their expertise at a conference, emphasizing the need for collaboration among all parties involved to ensure highquality care and uphold humanitarian values. Their deep knowledge and dedication are essential for meeting health targets and enhancing the wellbeing of the Cypriot population.

innovation cognitive training

Pafos FC: Innovating Football with i-BrainTech

Pafos FC partners with iBrainTech to revolutionize cognitive training in football, using mindcontrolled technology to enhance player focus and skills, setting a new standard in sports innovation and player development. This cuttingedge approach not only improves onfield performance but also offers insights into talent identification and skill maintenance during injury periods, solidifying Pafos FC’s position as a leader in modern football training methodologies.

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