
attempted murder

murder investigation

Confessed Ormidia Murderer Held for Further Investigation

Andria Kades, a journalist known for her investigative work in political reporting, is closely following the case of the confessed Ormidia murderer, Costas Sotiri. Sotiri, who voluntarily turned himself in after fatally shooting Charalambos Constantinides following a financial dispute, is currently being held for further investigation.

crime murder

Tragic End to Demetris Andronikou’s Life Sparks Legal Escalation

The tragic death of Demetris Andronikou, known as “Demetroui”, has sparked a legal escalation with eight suspects now facing attempted murder charges. An autopsy is underway to determine the cause of death and investigate Andronikou’s possible connections to organized crime, setting the stage for a complex and impactful legal case on the island of Cyprus.

manhunt attempted murder

Police Continue Manhunt for Attempted Murder Suspects

Police in Nicosia are actively pursuing suspects involved in an attempted murder case following a ruthless shooting on the road between Paleochori and Anthoupolis. The victim is in critical condition at the ICU, and authorities are analyzing forensic evidence and CCTV footage to identify the assailants, urging the public to share any information that could lead to their arrest.

justice murder

The Awaited Determination of Thanasis Nicolaou’s Fate

Thanasis Nicolaou’s 2005 death remains shrouded in mystery, with questions of murder or suicide at the forefront. The upcoming verdict on May 10 will determine the fate of this longdebated case, finally providing closure to the unresolved question of what truly happened to Nicolaou nearly two decades ago.

murder cross-border cooperation

Tatar Requests Help from Greek Cypriots in Finding Woman’s Killers

Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar urgently appeals to Greek Cypriot authorities for help in capturing the suspects of Ayca Alav’s horrific murder in northern Nicosia. Alav was found tied and gagged, and died from neck compression and asphyxia. The suspected killers are believed to have fled to the south, highlighting the need for crossborder cooperation in the pursuit of justice.

attempted murder asylum seekers

Arrest Made After Attempted Murder in Paphos

A 21yearold man was arrested in Paphos for attempted murder after attacking a 36yearold Syrian asylum seeker, causing lifethreatening injuries. The incident has raised concerns about the safety and support of asylum seekers in the area, with local police continuing to investigate the case.

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