
alcohol consumption

alcohol consumption cypriot youths

Alcohol Consumption Among Cypriot Youths: A Comparative Perspective

A recent survey revealed that Cypriot children have easy access to alcohol, surpassing the European average, with 87% reporting easy access. While they consume less alcohol in volume, they drink more frequently than their European peers, with boys drinking more heavily than girls. Health advocates are raising concerns about the associated health risks and urging for educational campaigns and policy changes to address this issue.

alcohol drugs

‘Alarming data’ from alcohol, drugs survey on kids

Recent findings from the HSBC survey reveal that around 50% of schoolchildren in Cyprus have tried alcohol at least once, and 7% of 15yearolds have experimented with cannabis. These alarming statistics have prompted the education ministry to implement interventions and supportive programs to combat substance use among minors.

youth substance use alcohol consumption

Alarming Trends in Youth Substance Use in Cyprus

Recent findings from the HBSC survey reveal alarming trends in youth substance use in Cyprus, with 50% of schoolaged children having tried alcohol at least once. Firstyear lyceum students report a 73% rate of alcohol experimentation, 22% in primary schools, and 44% in gymnasiums. Additionally, 7% of 15yearolds have tried cannabis. Efforts from the Education Ministry are underway to combat this issue.

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