
agriculture policy

retirement pension

Pension Policy Reform for Early Retirees

The new pension policy reform increases payments for early retirees with 40 years of contributions, benefiting over 11,000 pensioners with an average annual increase of €800, without raising current workforce contributions. The government’s initiative aims to mitigate financial challenges faced by retirees who chose to retire early, supporting individuals from physically demanding industries like construction and transport.

agriculture policy protest

Arikli to Sue Farmer Over Ongoing Protest

In Northern Cyprus, Transport Minister Erhan Arikli is suing Mustafa Naimogullari over alleged slander during ongoing protests by local farmers against the government’s decision to import meat. The tensions have escalated, with farmers protesting the importation plans aimed at reducing consumer prices, prompting legal action and further complications in the delicate balancing act between supporting local producers and meeting consumer demands.

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