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peacekeeping cyprus

Unficyp: A Six-Decade Mission of Peacekeeping

Unficyp, the UN’s enduring peacekeeping force in Cyprus, has spent over 60 years patrolling the buffer zone between divided communities, preventing escalation and offering reassurance to Greek Cypriots. Its role as a stabilizer and mediator symbolizes hope for rational dialogue amidst the island’s political complexities.

buffer zone dispute unficyp

Urgent Plea to Unficyp for Intervention in Buffer Zone Dispute

The urgent plea to Unficyp is for immediate intervention in the buffer zone dispute in Cyprus, following two separate incursions by Turkish troops that violated the status quo in the Ayios Dhometios buffer zone. The plea calls for action to address and reverse these violations, which have raised stability concerns in the region.

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Unficyp Intercedes in Buffer Zone Intrusions

The United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (Unficyp) has taken prompt action to address buffer zone intrusions, preventing further violations by Turkish soldiers. They have managed unauthorized installations in an unoccupied building, removed a rotating camera and antenna, and maintain dialogue with both sides to uphold the peace agreement in the tense region.

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Unficyp Monitoring Activity in Buffer Zone

Unficyp, the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, is actively monitoring the situation in the buffer zone where Turkish Cypriot soldiers have gathered, potentially for construction. Their role is to ensure peace and compliance with United Nations regulations, preventing any actions that may disturb the ceasefire lines and maintaining open communication between governing bodies to uphold the status quo.

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