
1 palestine 2 united for palestine – cyprus movement 3 boycott, divestment, sanctions (bds) movement

sports fan violence

Tougher Sanctions to Curb Fan Violence in Cyprus Football

The Cyprus Football Association has implemented a series of tough new sanctions to combat fan violence in the country’s football scene. Clubs now face fines up to €15,000, stadium bans, and potential fanfree home games for offenses ranging from pitch encroachment to violent acts, marking a significant crackdown on unruly behavior.

international relations sanctions

Additional Sanctions Imposed on Cyprus-Linked Entities

The United States has imposed additional sanctions on Cypruslinked entities to disrupt Russian military capabilities. These sanctions, announced by Ambassador Julie Fischer, restrict global business and financial access for a Cypriot individual and two firms, aiming to pressure networks supporting Russia.

arms trafficking sanctions

US Sanctions Two Cyprus Companies for Arms Trafficking

The US has sanctioned two Cyprus companies, Centuronic Ltc and S. Group airlines, for their involvement in arms trafficking networks, aiming to disrupt the flow of weaponry and combat global instability. This move sheds light on the darker side of the tranquil city of Paphos, revealing covert networks that span international borders and jeopardize peace efforts.

finance sanctions

US Imposes Sanctions on Cyprus-Based Entities

The US has imposed sanctions on Cyprusbased entities for aiding Russia in evading international financial restrictions, particularly in light of its military actions in Ukraine. The sanctions target those involved in virtual asset services and financial activities that could undermine the sanctions against the Russian economy.

cyprus sanctions

Cyprus Under Scrutiny: US Sanctions and the Spyware Controversy

The US sanctions against former Israeli intelligence officer Tal Dilian have put Cyprus in the spotlight, raising questions about illegal surveillance and enforcement of the EU DualUse Regulation. Akel demands transparency and accountability from the government to protect privacy and uphold the rule of law amidst the spyware controversy.

finance sanctions

Finance Minister Praises Sanctions Compliance

The finance minister of Cyprus praised the country for its stellar compliance with international sanctions, especially in upholding recent measures against Russia. Cyprus is consolidating its sanction enforcement units to enhance efficiency, ensuring exemptions to lessen the impact on citizens while aligning with global security efforts.

maritime sanctions

Expanded US Sanctions Target Cypriot Shipping Firms

The United States has targeted Cypriot shipping firms Azoria Shipping Company Limited, Elixon Shipping Company Limited, and Glorina Shipping Company Limited with sanctions, in a bid to disrupt financial support for Russian aggression on the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine. The crackdown on maritime connections highlights the strategic enforcement by the US to impede Russia’s financial inflows and hold accountable those enabling or engaging in sanction evasion, with broader implications felt in Cyprus and beyond.

1 palestine 2 united for palestine – cyprus movement 3 boycott, divestment, sanctions (bds) movement

Hundreds March in Nicosia for Palestine

Hundreds of individuals marched in Nicosia for peace and solidarity with Palestine, calling for a ceasefire and an end to violence and occupation. Organized by the United for Palestine – Cyprus movement, the demonstration also promoted the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) initiative to pressure for Palestinian human rights and freedom.

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