
1 fan violence

sports fan violence

Tougher Sanctions to Curb Fan Violence in Cyprus Football

The Cyprus Football Association has implemented a series of tough new sanctions to combat fan violence in the country’s football scene. Clubs now face fines up to €15,000, stadium bans, and potential fanfree home games for offenses ranging from pitch encroachment to violent acts, marking a significant crackdown on unruly behavior.

family violence

Sibling Rivalry Escalates to Violence in Paphos

Sibling Rivalry Turns Violent in Paphos: Two brothers, aged 46 and 35, were hospitalized after a dispute involving a knife and a blunt object erupted into violence in Paphos. The altercation, which also included a friend, has sparked a police investigation to uncover the cause of this rare family feud.

violence legal action

Tensions at Ayia Napa Hotel Lead to Assault

In Ayia Napa, a 20yearold man assaulted a 45yearold woman at a hotel pool, resulting in the woman suffering a fractured nasal bone. The assailant was promptly arrested and faces legal consequences, highlighting the community’s commitment to safety and the law.

violence family feud

Escalation of Violence: Limassol Gripped by Family Feud

The violent clash in Limassol between two Syrian families was sparked by a previous incident where a young person allegedly harassed a woman from the opposing family, leading to a largescale fight involving makeshift weapons, injuries, and property damage. Despite the intense confrontation, the community is now demanding peace, and the police are working to understand the root causes of the conflict and prevent any further disturbances in the future.

violence road safety

Altercation in Paphos Leads to Skewer Assault

In a disturbing incident in Paphos, a heated altercation during a traffic accident led to a man attacking another with a skewer on Tombs of the Kings road. The victim required stitches at Paphos General Hospital, while the assailant is now facing serious charges for the assault.

violence emergency response

Chaos Erupts on the Streets of Limassol

Late on Thursday night, chaos erupted on Vasileos Pavlou street in Limassol when a violent altercation between two families of Syrian background escalated, resulting in injuries and damages to vehicles. Two individuals were hospitalized, and the area was secured for investigation by authorities, with the motive behind the conflict still under examination.

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