
1 cyprus computer society

politics society

Embracing Change for the Future of Cyprus

In her farewell message, UN envoy Maria Angela Holguin emphasizes Cyprus’s need for new thinking to foster reconciliation and progress, urging a shift in mindset towards unity and optimism. Holguin’s call to action encourages Cypriots to embrace change, discard failed approaches, and create a future where the youth can flourish without the weight of past conflicts, paving the way for a secure and prosperous homeland.

society financial aid

Support for Single-Parent Families: A Financial Boost

In a recent announcement by the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare, financial aid has been offered to singleparent families with an income cap of 19,500 euros and a maximum deposit of 10,000 euros, providing 100 euros for the first child and 50 euros for each subsequent child, up to 250 euros. This move aims to ease the financial burden on singleparent households and offer muchneeded support to those in need.

society xenophobia

Xenophobia in Cyprus: Understanding the Nuances

Xenophobia in Cyprus is gradually decreasing, especially among the younger and more educated population, as shown by the European Social Survey. While some negative perceptions persist, increased exposure to different cultures and diversity initiatives are fostering a more accepting society in Cyprus.

1 cyprus computer society

Cyprus Computer Society Announces Informatics Olympiad — International Achievements Celebrated

The Cyprus Computer Society has announced the upcoming Cyprus Olympiad in Informatics, a coding competition for secondary education students held from December 22, 2023, to January 08, 2024. This platform aims to nurture the future tech pioneers of Cyprus and prepare them for international contests by providing resources such as free preparatory classes and online information for participants.

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