
bullying mental health

March 6: The International Day Against Bullying

The International Day Against Bullying on March 6 sheds light on the pervasive issue of bullying, with organizations like Hope for Children CRC Policy Center in Cyprus leading efforts to combat this harmful behavior. Bullying takes various forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, and cyberbullying, each with devastating effects on victims’ mental health and wellbeing. Hope for Children’s proactive initiatives aim to empower students and create inclusive school communities to prevent bullying and support those affected.

scandal monastery

Emergency Meeting Over Alleged Misconduct at Monastery

The emergency meeting regarding alleged misconduct at the Osiou Avvakoum monastery has sent shockwaves through the serene village of Fterikoudi, with two monks implicated in possessing a large sum of money and questionable recordings. The scandal has prompted an urgent investigation into the monastery’s finances and spurred discussions on ethical behavior and consequences within the religious community.

legal proceedings property rights

AG defends decision to suspend trial of Turkish Cypriot lawyer

The trial of Turkish Cypriot lawyer Akan Kursat was suspended due to the death of a crucial British witness, leaving the legal service without enough evidence against him for exploiting Greek Cypriot properties in the north. AttorneyGeneral George Savvides defended the decision, sparking political reactions and shedding light on the intricate legal and property rights issues entangled in the case, with implications for territorial resolutions amid the Cyprus dispute.

citizenship mixed marriage

Embracing Unity: Citizenship for Mixed Marriage Families

Cyprus recently granted citizenship to Turkish Cypriots in mixed marriages, including children born from such unions, aligning with President Nikos Christodoulides’ integration measures and societal equality efforts. This policy change marks a significant step towards inclusivity, promoting diversity and unity within the country.

economic challenges bread pricing

North’s Bread Price Rises Again

The bread price in the north has surged to 15TL (€0.44) due to increased production costs, prompting negotiations with the government to settle on a compromise of 13.50TL (€0.41). The delicate balance between business viability and consumer affordability remains a central concern amidst ongoing economic challenges in the region.

breast cancer awareness

Joining forces in the fight against breast cancer

Efforts to combat breast cancer in Europe include increasing awareness and prevention through national screening programs and partnerships like Bean Bar’s fundraising campaign with Europa Donna Cyprus. Europa Donna Cyprus advocates for patient rights, raises public awareness, and supports those affected by breast cancer, showcasing the pivotal role of civil society in the fight against this prevalent disease.

investigation cyprus shooting sport federation

Investigation Underway at Cyprus Shooting Sport Federation

A police investigation is underway at the Cyprus Shooting Sport Federation following reports of potential criminal activities involving 31 individuals. The Attorney General has called for an inquiry based on findings by the sports and ethics protection committee, signaling a tough stance against misconduct in sports organizations.

humanitarian efforts diplomatic dynamics

Gaza Corridor Meeting Following US Announcement (Updated, Video)

The meeting between Ursula von der Leyen and Cyprus’s President will focus on establishing a humanitarian corridor to Gaza, following the US announcement of a temporary port to aid in delivering humanitarian assistance. This development highlights a global coalition’s commitment to providing relief to Gaza’s population and the intricate diplomatic efforts involved in ensuring successful aid delivery to those in need.

diplomacy cyprus issue

The Strategic Significance of UN Envoy Appointment in Cyprus

The appointment of Maria Angela Holguin as the UN envoy in Cyprus highlights the Greek Cypriot side’s commitment to resolving the Cyprus problem through negotiations towards a bizonal, bicommunal federation, aligning with international bodies like the EU for support. President Nikos Christodoulides’ strategic move to prioritize the Cyprus issue and secure highlevel diplomatic appointments signals a new chapter in Cypriot politics, emphasizing the need for proactive measures and collaboration from all parties to achieve a breakthrough.

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