
elections voter registration

Total Number of Voters in June’s Elections Announced

The total number of registered voters for the upcoming elections in June in Cyprus is an impressive 568,608, including Turkish Cypriots, European citizens, and international voters. Nicosia leads with 220,736 voters, showcasing the diverse electorate across the districts and reflecting the citizens’ readiness to engage in the democratic process.

cyprus issue eu-turkish relations

Critical Briefing on the Cyprus Issue and EU-Turkish Relations

The Cyprus problem, dividing the nation since 1974 between Greek Cypriots in the south and Turkish Cypriots in the north, remains central to EUTurkish relations, influencing regional stability. The upcoming National Council meeting, led by President Nikos Christodoulides, seeks to address these pressing issues and work towards finding a lasting resolution.

history cultural heritage

Renovations Begin on Alektora Mosque

Renovations on the Alektora Mosque have begun, supported by the UNDP and EU funding, symbolizing unity between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. This project preserves the mosque’s historical significance, honoring Cyprus’s multicultural legacy for future generations to cherish.

childhood bullying support systems

Childhood Bullying: Forms, Signs, and How to Help Victims

Childhood bullying takes many forms, from physical aggression to cyberbullying, affecting children’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Recognizing signs of bullying like anxiety, withdrawn behavior, and academic decline is crucial. Offering support, listening, and utilizing resources like the Hope for Children Helpline 1466 can help victims heal and create a safer environment for all.

art environmental consciousness

Uniting Art and Environmental Consciousness

RE:SOURCE 2.0 is an art exhibition in Limassol, Cyprus, featuring over 30 artists creating environmentally themed works to spark conversations about pressing environmental issues. Through diverse materials and engaging educational programs, the exhibition aims to inspire action and stewardship for our planet.

forensic science unidentified body

Unraveling the Mystery: Sotira’s Unidentified Body

The mystery of the unidentified body found in Sotira near Ayia Thekla remains unsolved. Forensic experts at Nicosia General Hospital are working tirelessly to determine the gender, age, and circumstances of death of the deceased, with theories including accidental drowning or a migrant’s tragic fate.

eu council gaza

Concern Expressed Over Gaza at EU Council

Cyprus’ Foreign Minister, Constantinos Kombos, raised serious concerns about the ongoing tensions in Gaza during the EU Council meeting, urging restraint and emphasizing the importance of the maritime humanitarian corridor. The EU’s broader agenda included discussions on conflicts in Ukraine and Sudan, with Cyprus advocating for strict sanctions enforcement and supporting humanitarian efforts towards democratic transitions to stem migration flows.

drug policy sensationalism

The Impact of Sensationalism on Public Perception of Drug Issues

In conclusion, sensationalism continues to shape public perceptions and policies surrounding drug issues, often leading to fearbased strategies that may not align with reality. It is imperative to prioritize education over alarmism in addressing drug challenges, considering the nuanced nature of substance use among youth and the potential implications of misguided approaches.

fire safety wildfire prevention

Preparations Stepped Up Ahead of Wildfire Season

As the wildfire season approaches, the government is ramping up preparations with 259 new firefighters hired and a modern fire and crisis management system in place. Infrastructure improvements including new fire stations and upgrades are also part of the strategy to enhance fire safety across the country.

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