
Author name: Demis Papadopoulos

diplomacy psychology

UN Envoy’s Insight into Cypriot Stalemate

The UN envoy Maria Angela Holguin delves into the psychological barriers hindering political progress in Cyprus, pointing to deeply ingrained beliefs that complicate negotiations and require a nuanced approach. Despite the challenges, diplomatic efforts persist with cautious optimism, highlighting the delicate balance between hope and realism in navigating the complex landscape of Cypriot politics.

politics conflict resolution

Reflecting on 50 Years: The Cyprus Conflict and Political Rhetoric

The Cyprus Conflict, sparked by the Turkish invasion in 1974, continues to divide the island even after 50 years, with 37 percent of Cyprus remaining under Turkish occupation. Despite ongoing efforts for reunification, progress has been hindered by political rhetoric and a lack of compromise, highlighting the need for futureoriented leadership to resolve this longstanding territorial dispute.

history conflict

50 Years Since the Cataclysmic Events in Cyprus

In 1974, Cyprus was rocked by a coup d’état aimed at toppling Archbishop Makarios, leading to a brutal Turkish invasion and the division of the island that endures today. Despite numerous efforts for reconciliation, peace remains elusive as Cyprus remains divided, a stark reminder of the cataclysmic events that unfolded 50 years ago.

investigations suspects

Escalating Investigations Following Café Bombing

Two suspects have been detained in connection with the Strovolos café bombing, adding to a growing list of individuals tied to the case. The community remains on high alert as authorities investigate motives and the nature of the explosive device used in the attack, urging public assistance in piecing together the events leading up to the incident.

archaeology ancient cyprus

Unveiling the Mysteries of Ancient Cyprus

Recent excavations in Erimi, Cyprus have uncovered a Bronze Age ritual site at Laonin tou Porakou, revealing the island’s oldest sacred space and a mysterious intramural burial of a young individual with a skull injury. A 2.3metretall monolith at the site signifies a dramatic historical event, shedding new light on societal shifts towards urbanization in ancient Cyprus.

fraudulent scheme cryptocurrency

Paphos Man Arrested in Connection with Metamax Pyramid Scheme

The arrest of a 48yearold Paphos man in connection with the Metamax pyramid scheme has shed light on the deceitful nature of the fraudulent investment opportunity, leading to losses totaling €150,000 for investors. As police delve deeper into the investigation, the scheme’s collapse serves as a stark reminder of the risks involved in highyield investment programs operating on the edges of regulatory oversight.

beach safety theft prevention

Teen arrested for beach thefts

An 18yearold was arrested for theft at the beach when police found stolen items, including phones and a credit card, in his possession. The teen was linked to a tourist’s missing bag, resulting in a court hearing and a twoday remand. Beachgoers are advised to secure belongings and report suspicious activity for their safety.

cyprus problem un commitment

All possibilities for solving Cyprus problem to be exhausted

The UN, under the leadership of SecretaryGeneral Antonio Guterres, is actively pursuing negotiations to address the Cyprus problem, based on UN Security Council resolutions. Guterres is meticulously reviewing proposals to rekindle dialogue between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, supported by international diplomatic efforts, leaving no avenue unexplored.

climate variability extreme heat

Last month hottest June ever in Cyprus

June 2024 in Cyprus was the hottest on record, with an unprecedented heatwave causing multiple weather warnings, health risks, and increased wildfire danger due to dry conditions. The scorching temperatures and lower rainfall highlighted the need for effective water management strategies and measures to mitigate the impacts of drought as the country braces for potentially volatile summer weather.

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