
Author name: Demis Papadopoulos

politics diplomacy

Renewed Push for Reunification in Cyprus

Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides is leading a renewed push for reunification of the divided island, aiming to resolve the Cyprus problem through a bizonal, bicommunal federation with EU principles and diplomatic efforts. Working closely with the UN and international partners, President Christodoulides promises positive news by the end of the year to end the occupation and bring a sustainable solution for all residents.

war reporting cyprus invasion

Reflections on a War Correspondent’s Defining Moment

Michael Nicholson’s defining moment came during the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus, where he captured the first footage of the invasion, solidifying his legendary status as a war correspondent. His quick thinking and unexpected help from a local Cypriot enabled him to document this historic event, showcasing the perilous and human side of war reporting.

conservation sea turtle

Giant Sea Turtle Found in Cyprus Makes Waves Among Conservationists

The giant sea turtle found in Cyprus, weighing nearly 90 kilograms, has conservationists buzzing with excitement due to its exceptional size, far surpassing the norm for green sea turtles. Rescued and cared for at Tashkent nature park, this remarkable turtle represents a triumph for environmental preservation and highlights the need to protect endangered species in our oceans.

journalism censorship

Heavily Censored and Wary: Reporting During the Coup

Journalists in Cyprus during the 1974 coup faced dangerous conditions, rigorous censorship, and the risk of conscription. Reporting became a perilous task as they navigated through controlled tours, had their content scrutinized by government censors, and dealt with understaffed newsrooms. Despite these obstacles, some persisted in delivering news, crucial to maintaining a free press in tumultuous times.

history heritage

A Glimpse into Cypriot Heritage: The Cyprus Insula Exhibition

The “Cyprus Insula History – Memory – Reality” exhibition in Nicosia delves into Cypriot heritage, showcasing artifacts, interactive technologies, and Ptolemy’s cartography from the Codex 655 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 1974 Turkish invasion, offering visitors a captivating journey through time. This vibrant cultural event not only celebrates Cyprus’s resilience but also serves as a bridge connecting the past to the present and future, inviting all to explore the island’s rich narrative tapestry until June 2025.

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